The Glow Factor

My name is Sinéad Travis and I am a Spiritual Counsellor and Healer.
After years working in corporate communications, I believed my life was successful- but when it didn't feel fulfilling, I began searching for what it was that was eluding me. My search lead me to spiritual counselling. I found that I was a living a life with values and expectations set by other people - my parents, friends and influencers, rather than finding my own why, and my own path to grow and live a life on purpose.
As my passion for Spiritual Counselling and Healing grew through training and development, I realised a deep need to help others to also heal themselves emotionally, to find their why, and their way forward with direction, clarity and confidence.
My passion and purpose has become to help people overcome the difficulties in their lives by understanding themselves and their origins of their difficulties.
I have a BA in Communications (Organisational Communication) & Diploma in Spiritual Counselling , Diploma in Neuropyschology , an Advanced Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. and am fully trained and accredited in Hahnemann and Concomitant Healing via the Sphinx Spiritual School of Learning.
I am also an accredited Medium through the Sphinx Spiritual School of Learning and offer readings to those who wish to move forward in their life with clarity. I uphold the values of delivering information with accuracy and integrity.
You can contact me or make an appointment here, I would love to hear from you. If you cannot find a suitable appointment time, please contact me to be put on a cancellation list for your preferred time and day.
Mornington by appointment only.